
Maths 數學課程
Play Math
For 2.5 years old or above
- a collection of comprehensive, colourful and interesting learning materials
- develop children’s mathematical creativity through playing applications
- includes experience mathematical concepts, foster sense of quantity and connect quantity to number, bridge to Eyelevel Math programme effectively
適合 2.5 歲以上幼兒
- 一系列有系統、有趣、色彩豐富的教材
- 建立幼兒的數學思維,包括排序、比較、配對等、數量的概念、鞏固數量、數字及數數的能力,有效銜接Eyelevel Math
Eyelevel Math
For 4 years old or above
- International Program written in English
- Includes Basic Mathematics (computation) and Critical thinking Mathematics (Pattern & Relationship, Reasoning, Depth Perception, Measurement and Problem solving skills etc)
- Makes Math learning fun via comics, stories, studying tools and critical thinking
- Level test is carried out after completion of each level
- Annual international Competition with certificates and detailed reports
適合 4 – 14 歲以上學童
- 一系列以英語編寫、有系統的教材,建立學童數學運用的能力
- 課程包括基礎數學 (運算) 及邏輯推理數學 (模式與關係、邏輯推理、空間感覺、量度及解難技巧)
- 配合文字題、故事、漫畫,增強學童的解題能力
- 每階段均有評估
- 每年均有國際數學比賽,參賽者均可獲發證書及詳細報告,讓師生家長都能了解學童數學程度