
KPCC / GAPSK /普通話拼音/朗誦技巧訓練班
Course overview
Putonghua Nursery
For 2 years old or above
- Through different activities, including songs, fine motor activities, gross motor activities and arts & crafts, children learns basic Putonghua instructions and vocabulary
- Small class size of Group leader to student ratio = 1:4
- Progress reports is presented biannually
適合 2 歲以上幼兒
- 透過不同的活動,包括 兒歌、大小肌肉活動、手工,讓幼兒浸淫在普通話語境內,學習聆聽指令及基礎用語
- 每半年一份學習進度報告
Pinyin Class
For 5 years old or above
- Teaching children to learn initials, finals, tones
- Small class size of Group leader to student ratio = 1:4
- Progress reports is presented biannually
適合 5 歲以上學童
- 由淺入深,教導學童的四聲、聲母、韻母等,讓學童能標準地閱讀
- 每半年一份學習進度報告
Primary Putonghua Class
For 6 years old or above
- Through different passages, children will practice comprehension skills and pinyin
- Small class size of Group leader to student ratio = 1:4
- Progress reports is presented biannually
適合 6 歲以上學童
- 透過不同文章,練習理解文章意思,及拼讀
- 每半年一份學習進度報告
Poem Competition Training Class
For 4 years old or above
- Intensive Individual training for competition
適合 4 歲以上學童
- 短期普通話朗誦訓練課程,專為比賽而設