

Emma & Sophie’s parent

Big thanks to Littleton in the past 4 years, saving me from having to run around to different tuition centers as they offer a wide range of programs for English, Maths and holiday programs to support my children’s learning path (and term breaks!). My elder child is now 4.5 years old and the younger one is 1.5 years old. We have been with Littleton since 2017 and I never needed to worry a single thing as their staff and teachers are always passionate and provide professional guidance on which programs are suitable for my kids. At the same time, they are always willing to listen and continue to thrive for enhancement. Littleton is more than just a learning centre to our children.

Man Chi’s parent

每次女兒下課後,都拿一份具創意的勞作回家,回家她們仔細介紹勞作如何製成﹐十分有成功感。有時,更會回家表演在學校所學的舞蹈,Littleton 令她愛上上學。

Jamie Hung’s parent

It has been over 8 months since Jamie has joined the Littleton family when she started k2. I would like to write this as an apprecipation to the school and teachers for their tremendous work for Jamie so we are better prepared for the upcoming primary school admission season.

The first class Jamie joined was the Trinity GESE preparation where she has achieved her first ever distinction grade! Her first assessment from Kindergarten K2 sessessment also suggested enrichment in areas such as maths and logic was needed. Littleton was apparently our choice for the Eyelevel programme. Since then, we have received encouraging feedback from the kindergarten about her improvement. And the most important thing is Jamie likes the classes at Littleton and become more proactive on her studies. Probably because their style of teaching and the environment offers positive energy to kids. Once again, thankyou and please help more kids!

Anson Ching’s parents

My son has been attending the Kindermusik class for a year and recently he has started the bilingual nursery. He enjoys the class very much and is having a lot of fun! Ms Pat of the Kindermusik class is very experienced in interacting with toddlers and developed their musical sense. Admin staff of Littleton are helpful and classroom environment is neat, tidy and safe! Reasonable fee! Highly recommended!

Brittany Wong’s parents

Dear Ellin, Mable, Daisy, Ms Kim, Ms Macy and Ms Pat,

Thank you all for the care and attention that you have given to Brittany, seeing her behaved and improved was the greatest encouragement to a mother. She was happy attending Kindermusik for the first time and I really saw her enjoying Preschoolers, without nagging and crying.

Thanks again to the lovely teachers who made the effort to talk and play with her, made her welcomed and cared.

Jimmy & Rae

Paco Abraham Lo’s parents

“I can still recall when my son, Paco, started his first Kindermusik lesson a year ago that everything to him was fascinating and interesting. As time passes, Paco proceeded to further adventures and explorations through different class activities. Witnessing the progress and development he’s been making, my husband and I are delighted and especially grateful to the whole-hearted teachings and trainings from his instructor, Patricia. Just now my second child was born, I have no doubt that I will be sending the younger one to Kindermusik class. I’m sure the little one will make same progress as her elder brother does.”

Raphael Tsang’s parents

I would like to express my gratitude to all Littleton’s group leaders and staff, especially, Ms Pat, Ms Macy, Ms Shirley and Ms Li for providing my son, Raphael, a very nurturing environment for his development since he was two months old. It is mainly due to your professionalism, experience and thoughtfulness to children, which lead me to my choice in choosing Littleton as the best preschool education for Raphael. I do appreciate Littleton’s philosophy, which emphasizes on “Learn through Play” My wife and I have found that Raphael has been always keen on learning new things in your playful environment.

I am especially grateful for the quality stimulation, which prepared Raphael for a smooth transition to kindergarten. Raphael has got admission to several popular kindergartens and is currently attending an international kindergarten in Kowloon Tong. His ability to communicate bilingually has proved to be an advantage in the interviews as well as other opportunities. We are very glad that he was also selected to be an advertising model for MTR Disneyland line due to his confidence, sociability and intelligence. My heartily salute goes to you all!

I would highly recommend Littleton to those parents who are seriously looking for high quality pre-school education for their children. Littleton is really amazing!

Dannie & Jackie

Sharon Ng’s parents

Two years ago when Sharon was in K2, her English teacher commented that she was a shy student who seldom spoke English in class. David and I understand that more exposure in English environment was essential for Sharon but at the same time the way of learning should be filled with fun. Therefore, Sharon has joined the Littleton’s family in 2003. Throughout the years, Sharon enjoyed greatly with different activities at Littleton and we are very pleased with her improvement and confidence in using English. It was especially encouraging to both Sharon and us when Sharon achieved full mark in the Cambridge Starters Examination last December. Sharon enjoys learning English a lot and has developed a positive attitude, enthusiasm and initiation in exploring English, which we believe will definitely contribute to her life long learning.

We always encourage and support our daughters to participate in different activities for enriching their experience and knowledge as well as stimulating their interests and cognitive abilities. We strongly trust that children should be nurtured from the place brimming with stimulation; encouragement; patience; patience; cares and loves.

By taking this opportunity, we would like to thank Miss Mable, Miss Kim, Miss Angel, Miss Pat, Miss Renee, Miss Mandy …. and all other fellows from Littleton in our memories for your effort and encouragement to Sharon.

Cecilia & David

Parent of Anson Wo and Elvan Wo

Dear Littleton Discovery Playgroup,

I am writing to express my gratitude towards the teachers and helpers at Littleton.

One of my sons, Anson Wo, joined Bilingual Nursery back in 2009 and since them. With the help of the teachers and staff, my son has become more and more independent.

My second son, Elvan Wo, has been attending Per-Nursery at Littleton for one and half years and was recently promoted to Bilingual Nursery. During the class he leaned a lot of useful knowledge and language regarding daily lives which has greatly improved his concentration and discipline.

Teachers at Littleton are highly qualified native speakers providing excellent quality tutoring. Every month there are different themes teaching the students real life knowledge, including festivals and cultural events. There are also lots of activities such as singing, dancing and physical movements. All of which enable my sons to learn in a fast track technique.

Besides, the lessons in Littleton are of large variety. Students can choose to attend Pre-Nursery, Prep-Programme, Cambridge, French, Letterland and Bilingual Nursery etc. There are 2 picnics every year, which also enable students to have higher unity and to enjoy their childhood.

My sons are now confident to talk with foreigners in English. Their language skills are also greatly improved. I am so glad that I have made the right choice in selecting Littleton for my children’s nursery.

Angel Wong

Parent of Lee Sze Hin and Lee Nga Ting

Dear Littleton Discovery Playgroup,

We still remember very clearly the day when my son, Sze Hin, first attended Kindermusik “Village” in early 2006 and how he behaved in the first few lessons – cried and cried until he finally settled down after almost one month. Time flies and it has already been 5 years since Sze Hin started his first course with Littleton Discovery Playgroup. In the past 5 years, Sze Hin has participated in a number of courses organized by Littleton including Enopi Math, Cambridge, Putonghua, Reading Bug, Trinity Young Performer Certificate and Spoken English. Sze Hin has enjoyed learning at Littleton and has made many good friends there. We are so happy about the remarkable progress in language and social skills that Sze Hin has been making. What we like about Littleton is that they not only provide a comfortable and stimulating environment which immensely benefits my son’s growth, but Littleton has also given him exposure in front of a larger audience. During the Christmas performance last December, Sze Hin had his time on stage in Discovery Park to show confidently what he had learnt from various courses with Littleton. The other good thing is that parents were invited to attend a short meeting with the instructors at the end of each course to discuss how the kids were doing; we are really impressed that the impressed that the instructors shared their observations honestly so that we know exactly what areas my son has to work on. Now, for more than one year, my little girl Nga Ting, has started her Kindermusik journey with Littleton and we believe that Nga Ting will enjoy the journey as much as her brother did in the past.

Mrs. Lee

Bryan Leung’s parents

First of all, I would like to thank Littleton giving my sons a comfortable learning environment in the past few years.

My elder son, Bryan, has been studying at Littleton since four years old. Now, he is already nine. Most of his teachers’s comment about his English standard is good foundation and rich in vocabulary. I believe that this is because he has built up his confidence and knowledge from learning at Littleton at a young?€age. We are lucky that Bryan could meet with lots of good group leaders such as Ms Shirley, Renee, Priscilla and Winnie. He could totally show his own talent under the guidance of Littleton’s group leaders. Bryan is currently attending Cambridge KET and Creative Writing with Mind Map in order to prepare himself for his secondary education.

My younger son, Damian, a very active boy, loves to play and learn at Littleton. He attended the playgroup since fifteen months??old. He is now nearly three and has just started to attend the Bilingual Reception programme. Damian could attend the class independently and also follow group leaders??instruction and well-behaved. My husband and I are really happy and impressed.

We have no doubt that Bryan and Damian will keep on learning happily at Littleton. Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank Ms Yuki for her help in all courses arrangement and coordination and Auntie Mable’s precious opinions for my sons’ studies.

Mrs. Leung

Mother of Rachel Shin & Linda Shin

When our family decided to move to Hong Kong from Korea, our biggest worry was our kids’ education. No one can speak Cantonese in our family and no one knows what China is. But when we found Littleton Playgroup, the problem was solved.

My first daughter, Rachel, had been attending Pre-Nursery at Littleton for a few months and then moved on to Prep-Programme. More than learning, we were so happy to expose her to new stimulating environment and adapt herself to new circumstances. This maybe the greatest benefit from Littleton which I think children can make themselves feel comfortable and confident to communicate with each other. This is only possible because of the friendly staff and highly qualified instructors.

Now she has been attending Putonghua class at Littleton for more than a year, which is pushed to learn by us as a third language. Rachel enjoys the class at Littleton more than the regular international kindergarten she attends.

Not surprisingly, my second daughter, Linda, also has started her Kindermusik journey with Littleton. It is also beneficial for her to attend the class, which provides various teaching materials and songs such as “Clean up and Tidy up” (when I sing the song, she helps to clean the toys. )

The other good thing is that they take care of children’s health through frequent cleaning and sterilizing all toys and materials everyday. It makes us relieved at a minus environment.

After finishing regular school, it is not easy to bring and prepare the children to go to Littleton. However we think that we stepped off on the right foot of our daughters’ education when we see how much they enjoy their time at Littleton.

Mrs. Shin

Chloe Emily Yim’s parents

Dear Littleton Discovery Playgroup,

Our daughter, Chloe, joined Littleton around 6 months ago and she has such a great improvement in every aspect since then. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the teachers and helpers there, especially Ms Zoe Hess.

My girl is a very sensitive and shy girl by nature and she is the only child in the family and therefore we send her to the pre-program hoping that she can get more social exposure and build up her independence and confidence. We feel so lucky that our girl has Ms Zoe as her teacher and she has such a big change since then. Every day she is so looking forward to go to her class and she misses all the friends and teachers there when she gets back home. She gets very attached to Littleton and all the smiley faces there. While at home, she will sing us the songs she learns and the games she plays in Littleton. She will also say things like: “When can I go to Littleton? I love Ms Zoe!”

We are so glad that we have made the right decision to choose a safe and happy environment at Littleton for Chloe. Now she is 2 ½ and we will join the Kindermusik class soon, both Chloe and us are so looking forward to all the fun and activities there.

Many thanks,

Chloe + Mummy + Daddy

Parent of 李思弘


本人兒子李思弘 (Mark Li) 就讀學前班 (Pre – Nursery and Prep programme) 已一年。衷心感謝各同工對孩子們的愛心照顧, 尤其兩位庶務助理。雖然思弘已完成學前班,入讀幼兒園,但這年來每次本人帶孩子參與學前班時,都親身目睹庶務助理們的勤勞表現,以及滿有愛心和忍耐地照料兒童。 故致函閣下,對她們加以表揚。


家長 陳淑賢

Elizabeth and Elinor’s parents

It’s been a few years since we first joined the courses at Littleton. The teachers (especially Miss Pat ☺) here are very caring and professional. They give us insightful advice on how to train up our kids. We are grateful for their help and highly recommend Littleton!

Hillary and Hiu Long’s parents

My kids joined Littleton since 1 year old. I would like to express my gratitude to all teachers and staff of Littleton. All of them are professional, nice and caring. They provide a comfortable environment for my kids to learn effectively without stress. They are willing to communicate with parents so that we can know the progress of their learning. All through the years I can see my kids enjoyed greatly with difference activities at Littleton.

Hayley’s parents

“我要返playgroup呀”Hayley每隔數天便會叫喊著,小冬冬已經成為我們的家了。Hayley由1歲10個月開始便成為小冬冬的成員,現在已經5歲了,hayley每星期有3小時課程,但她總不覺得時間長,因為每位導師都非常專業和有耐性,以輕鬆愉快學習讓小朋友掌握phonics 和會話技巧,亦會掌握每個小朋友的需要,配備不同的教學方法, 並會在合適的時間進行課程考評。上年hayley的進度未能跟上,導師悉心為她安排分班,好讓她能追上課程,小冬冬的創辦人Ms.Mable, 她很友善,Hayley 見到她也會很開心,每星期放學都不願意離開,小冬冬讓我很放心!