Meet our Team 教學團隊
Course Director 課程總監 范Sir
- Aim at providing high quality education to children
- Graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
- Fellow member of HKICPA and ACCA
- Expertise in teaching interview courses, specifically in primary and secondary school interviews
- Published a number of early childhood teaching materials. Lead a team to publish a set of English etiquette books for a sizeable kindergarten
- Expertise in Montessori teaching approach
- Help parents to solve educational issues of their children
- 旨在為孩子提供高質素的教育
- 英國大學會計學士畢業,為香港會計師公會資深會員及英國特許公認會計師公會資深會員
- 擅長教授各項面試班,包括小一面試及升中面試
- 出版多項幼兒教材,並帶領團隊為一所大型幼稚園出版一套英文禮儀教材
- 擅長利用蒙特梭利教學模式
- 會協助家長解決管教幼兒及升學的問題,將培育教兒經驗與家長分享