Trinity College London
Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) exams
For 3 years old or above
- are designed to complement general English language course
- present certificate which has worldwide recognition
- contents are taught by topics and via different interesting activities
- Small class size of Group leader to student ratio = 1:8
- Progress report is presented every 2 terms
適合 3 歲以上的孩子
- 能有系統地提升孩子以英語溝通的能力和自信
- 課程進度可因應學生吸收程度而調節
- 頒發獲全球認可的證書
- 有系統地透過不同活動教授考試內容
- 每兩期一次學習進度報告
Young Performers Certificate (YPC)
For 3 -12 years old
- designed to encourage the teaching and learning of English language through drama, music and performance
- a group award is presented
適合 3-12 歲的孩子
- 透過話劇、音樂及表演,提升孩子對學習英語的興趣
- 提升孩子的自信心及英語溝通能力
- 表演完畢後將獲發證書
Integrated Skills in English (ISE)
For 12 years old or above
- assesses the four main language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
- Speaking & Listening is assessed via a one-to-one, face-to-face oral assessment between the candidate and an examiner
- Reading & Writing is assessed via an externally assessed exam sat under exam conditions
- module certificates with a detailed diagnostic report for each skill showing strengths and areas for improvement
ISE 考試
適合 12 歲以上的人士
- 評核考生英語聽、講、讀、寫的能力
- 透過考生與考官單對單、面對面的對話方式,考核其英語的聽、講能力
- 透過正規的考試模式考核考生的讀、寫能力
- 每份考卷均有一張證書及詳細報告,列明考生每項能力的強項及有待改善之處