For 3.5 years old or above
- Most child-friendly, multi-sensory way of teaching children to read, write and spell
- Phonics are taught using a story-based approach
- Reading sessions are included so to reinforce children’s literacy skills, phonics, spelling and grammar
- Small class size of Group leader to student ratio is 1:5
- Progress report and certificates are presented every level
適合 3.5 歲以上
- 多感官的教學方式,讓孩子愉快學習閱讀、書寫及串字
- 以故事的方法教授拼音
- 課程加入閱讀環節,讓孩子使用所學的拼讀方法閱讀故事,加強他們的拼讀技巧
- 小班教學,師生比例 1:5
- 每完一階段均會有進度報告及證書