English Nursery


For 2-3 years old (without caregiver)
Mon – Fri 10:30 – 12:30am

Free Play 15%
Circle Time 15%
Gross motor activities 30%
Toilet & Snack time 10%
Fine motor activities 20%
Storytime 10%
Special activities & Bubble time 20%
  • Montessori approach with different weekly theme throughout the year
  • Interesting and innovative activities nurturing children’s basic skills of learning such as listening to instructions, concentration, communication and interaction
  • Developing children’s self-esteem, self-confidence, independence
  • All classes taught in English
  • Our longstanding commitment to a safe, caring and comfortable learning environment
  • Small class size of Group leader to student ratio = 1:8
  • Progress report is presented biannually

Daily Focus Learning Areas:
Monday: Letterland worksheet
Tuesday: Letterland crafts
Wednesday: Theme crafts
Thursday: Theme worksheet
Friday: Messy Play

適合2-4 歲幼兒 (不需家長陪同上課)
上午10:30 – 12:30

  • 蒙特梭利教學模式,每週設有不同主題的學習
  • 專為即將入讀幼兒園、幼稚園的幼兒而設,教導幼兒聆聽指令、提升他們的專注力、溝通及互動
  • 從遊戲中學習
  • 建立自信及自理能力
  • 課程由合資格的外籍幼稚園老師任教
  • 環境舒適整潔
  • 小班教學,1 比 8 的師生比例
  • 每半年一次學習進度報告
