Creative Writing with Mind Mapping


For 6 years old or above

  • Learners are
    • helped to bring their own meaning to the texts they compose
    • helped to express their own ideas and feelings through written language
    • introduced ways of organizing text and practice in drafting, revising, editing and publishing via mind-mapping
  • Small class size of Group leader to student ratio = 1:4
  • Progress report is presented every term

適合6 歲以上同學

  • 為喜愛寫作及希望改善寫作技巧的同學而設
  • 透過腦圖像的創意活動、主題和結構討論,令同學更易掌握寫作技巧和重點
  • 增加同學對寫作的興趣
  • 每期一次學習進度報告


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Why Littleton : NET, experienced, well-structured, clean, free assessment, in Tsuen Wan

荃灣 學英語
Littleton 特色 : 外籍老師, 師資優良, 多年辦學經驗, 有愛心, 清潔企理, 免費評估, 近在荃灣