ChitChat @ Littleton
For 3 years old or above
- Your child will have the opportunity to:
- immerse in an English Speaking environment
- speak freely with Native English Groupleaders
- talk in a familiar and relaxing environment and atmosphere
- develop self- confidence to converse in English
- bond with a group of English Speaking friends
- Progress report is presented biannually
- Small class size of Group leader to student ratio is 1:5
適合3 歲以上孩子
- 浸淫於全英語的環境中,有利練習英語會話
- 與外籍老師暢談有趣的話題
- 建立孩子英語會話之自信心
- 認識一班以英語溝通的朋友
- 小班教學,1 比 5 的師生比例
- 每半年一次學習進度報告
Why Littleton : NET, experienced, well-structured, clean, free assessment, in Tsuen Wan
荃灣 學英語
Littleton 特色 : 外籍老師, 師資優良, 多年辦學經驗, 有愛心, 清潔企理, 免費評估, 近在荃灣