Young Learners English (YLE)
For 5 years old or above
- gives a consistent measure of how well students are doing in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing
- specially designed teaching materials and the exam contents are taught by topics via different interesting activities
- Small class size of Group leader to student ratio = 1:8
- Progress report is presented every term
適合5 歲以上學童
- 專為評估四歲至十二歲學童的英語能力而設,以便學童了解進度,增強學習動機
- 透過不同的創意活動,教授考試內容
- 小班教學,1 比 8 的師生比例
- 每學費期一次學習進度報告
For 5 years old or above
Total 60 sessions
- Introduces children to everyday written and spoken English in a fun and motivating way
- set just below Level A1 on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
- lays the foundation for language learning
基礎考試第一級(Pre A1 Starters)
適合5 歲以上學童
約60 堂
- 透過有趣的活動,讓學童對日常的英語 說、寫 部份有初步認識
- 本考試旨在鼓勵學童於年幼時開始學習英語,並對語文考試培養積極的態度
- 本考試要求學童:
- 認識顏色的英語名稱
- 回答有關個人的簡單問題
- 以書寫單字答案回答基本問題
For 6 years old or above
Total 75 sessions
- shows a child is beginning to deal with everyday written and spoken English at a very basic level
- set at Level A1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR)
- Students are expected to
- Understand basic instructions or take part in a basic factual conversation on a predictable topic
- Understand basic notices, instructions or information
- complete basic forms, and write notes including times, dates and place
第二級(A1 Movers)
適合6 歲以上學童
約75 堂
- 透過有趣的活動,讓學童對日常的英語 說、寫 部份有基礎認識
- 本考試鼓勵學童在實際生活環境中以英語溝通,並對語文考試培養積極的態度
- 本考試要求學童:
- 了解基本的英語指令
- 填寫簡單的表格或回答有關個人的問題
- 在聆聽或閱讀一篇兒童故事後,回答問題及書寫簡單的事實(如在一星期中的哪天、時間或名字)
For 7 years old or above
Total 60 sessions
- shows a child can deal with everyday written and spoken English at a basic level
- set at A2 level, students are expected to:
- Understand and use basic phrases and expressions
- Introduced themselves and answer basic questions about their personal details
- Interact with English speakers who talk slowly and clearly write short, simple notes
第三級(A2 Flyers)
適合7 歲以上學童
約60 堂
- 本考試證明學童能在日常生活中理解簡單英語,並具備基本的英語溝通能力
- 本考試要求學童:
- 解釋兩篇故事或兩幅圖畫的不同之處
- 以英語寫作或講述一篇簡單的故事
- 提問及採用過去式