Dr. Sylvia Doo
★ Founder of Dr Doo Child Development and Assessment Centre
★ Specialist in Developmental Behavioural Paediatrics
★ Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, HKU
★ Master of Science in Epidemiology & Biostatistics, CUHK
★ Diploma in Child Health (Royal College of Physician of Ireland and Royal College of Surgeon in Ireland)
★ Member of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
★ Fellow of Hong Kong College of Paediatrician
★ Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in Paediatrics
★ Honorary Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University of Hong Kong
★ Tutor of Association for Research in Infant and Child Development, United Kingdom
★ Autistic Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2 (ADOS2) accreditated provider
★ Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) (Level 3 & 4) accreditated provider
★ Dr Doo兒童發展及評估中心 創辦人
★ 兒童體智及行為發展學科專科醫生
★ 香港大學內外全科醫學士
★ 香港中文大學流行病學與生物統計學理學碩士
★ 愛爾蘭皇家醫學院兒科文憑
★ 英國皇家兒科醫學院院員
★ 香港兒科醫學院院士
★ 香港醫學專科學院院士(兒科)
★ 香港大學兒童及青少年科學系榮譽助理教授
★ 英國嬰兒及兒童發展研究協會榮授導師
★ 美國標準化自閉症診斷工具 (ADOS2) 執行認可資格
★ 澳洲昆士蘭土大學正向親職訓練 (Triple P) (第二及三階段)執行認可資格
Ms Esther Koo
★ Registrated social worker
★ Experienced in supervising, training, counselling Preschoolers and students, parenting
★ Guest lecturer in local and overseas Universities
★ Certified PEERS® Trainers
★ National Autistic Society(UK)
★ British Association of Art Therapists, Foundation in Art Therapy 4
★ The Ohio State University, Foundation Certification Course on I-FAST
(Integrative Family and Systems Treatment)
★ Foundation Certification Course on Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
★ Certification Course on Emotion-Focused Therapy
★ 註冊社工
★ 達12年督導、訓練/輔導學前幼兒及在學兒童、家長教育的 臨床經驗
★ 參與多項(本地及海外)主流及特殊需要兒童、家長訓練之 課程設計、訓練及輔導計劃
★ 曾於本地及海外大學擔任客席講員
★ 分別獲得英國及美國之自閉症訓練、藝術治療、綜合家庭 及系統治療基礎証書
★ 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)的社交訓練計劃PEERS ® 的認可導師
★ 英國自閉症學會之多項自閉症訓練証書
★ 英國藝術治療協會,藝術治療基礎証書
★ 美國俄亥俄州立大學, 綜合家庭及系統治療基礎証書
★ 認知治療基礎証書
★ 情緒取向治療基礎証書
★ Bring Me A Book (HK) 兒童啟蒙老師訓練 導師
Mr. Jeffrey Ip
★ Bachelor of Arts, University of Sydney, Australia (major in psychology)
★ Master of Social Psychology (Counseling), University of South Australia
★ Former Hong Kong Baptist University lecturer and parent education course director
★ Part-time lecturer in many colleges and universities (HKBU, Open University etc.)
★ Current Secretary General of Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
★ Founder and Chairman of Design for Change HK
★ 澳洲雪梨大學文學士 (主修心理學)
★ 南澳洲大學社會心理學碩士 (輔導學)
★ 前香港浸會大學講師及家長教育課程主任
★ 現任於多間大專院校擔任兼任講師 (浸大、 公開大學、明學等等)
★ 現任香港專業輔導協會秘書長
★ 香港創意行動發起人及主席
Mr Herman Chau
* Bachelor of Music Therapy from Capilano University
* Certification on early childhood music and movement program for children from US Music Together®
* Certification on Emotional-Focused Therapy
★ 加拿大 Capilano University 音樂治療學士 (BMT)
★ 美國Music Together 幼兒及小童教育證書
★ 情緒導向治療 (Emotional- focused Therapy) 證書