Grammar & Comprehension

For 6 years old or above

Sat 10:00 – 11:00

  • designed to improve children’s English grammar and comprehension skills
  • Small class size of Group leader to student ratio = 1:8
  • Progress report is presented biannually

適合 6 歲以上

  • 專為改善孩子的文法及閱讀理解而設
  • 小班教學,師生比例 1:8
  • 每半年一次學習進度報告

Learn English in Tsuen Wan
Why Littleton : NET, experienced, well-structured, clean, free assessment, in Tsuen Wan

荃灣 學英語
Littleton 特色 : 外籍老師, 師資優良, 多年辦學經驗, 有愛心, 清潔企理, 免費評估, 近在荃灣